Saturday, September 25, 2010

Time is on my side

Whew! This has been such a busy crazy month with just more to follow. I have two more weddings, a baby shower, and Christmas to get myself and my wallet through. I've been so stressed lately that I have this lack of motivation. I haven't been to yoga in about a month and I can tell the difference. I just need to throw myself back into it so I can make it a habit again. Money has always been something I stress over ever since I got my first real job when I was fifteen and I have felt the weight of it these past couple months. Ryan and I are working our way out of debt and so far we've done a great job at that. However, we still have a while to go. Sometimes I lose track of our goal and get caught up in my own personal hell: my job. Ryan has been great with keeping me focused and letting me vent when I need to. My job is not really that rough but of course there are bad days. My biggest fear is that I'm missing out on something better and a lot of the time I feel like I'm treading water. These feelings have so overwhelming lately and I almost don't know what to do. I hate feeling weak. Angi called me out a while ago and said I was someone who felt like they had to be strong for everyone else and I don't know if she knows how correct she was. I think about what she told me a lot because although I love to take care of people, it's ok for me to need that from other people too. With that, I know how blessed I truly am. I have a job that pays my bills, a small but cute apartment. Ryan blesses my life everyday. He loves me to my core and is constantly encouraging me. Within the past 2 years I have met and became friends with so many amazing people. I love my girlfriends and they so important to me. So here's what I'm looking forward too in the next 6-10 months: Ryan and I will have his truck paid off and hopefully be able to move into a bigger apartment. And long term: Ryan and I will be debt free in probably 2 years if we really bust our butt and follow our budget. I can't wait to be free and to be able to spend my time how I want.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Last night was Angi's bachelorette party down at the beach. It was a great night hanging out. I learned so much last night and got quite red in the face during some conversations. ;) This morning we went to breakfast at Mother's and I just about died because they had vegan and gluten free pancakes. And I may have gotten a strawberry milkshake afterwards. I'm so excited for Angi's wedding coming up in less than a week now and for that little one that's getting ready for this world. I love you Angi!